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Journey With Me Through ADHD: A Podcast for Kids

This podcast will speak straight to the heart and mind of a child impacted by ADHD. It's a helpful conversational tool that can be used by families and educators. This podcast was created so those in my ADHD world never have to feel alone! 

Apr 30, 2023

With Mother's Day approaching here in the US and a program of mine being launched that you don't want to miss, I decided to dedicate this episode to talk about WHY we sometimes get caught up in the cycle of reaction with mom and some steps to take to become a better responder! 

At the beginning of this episode, you will...

Apr 22, 2023

Do you ever look at a task, goal, assignment, or big picture and think, "that just feels too far and like too much?" If so, you are not alone! This is a tendancy our ADHD brains have. When faced with "all of the things" we tend to shut down and do nothing...But we can make a change and this episode will help you...

Apr 14, 2023

Dr. Ned Hallowell, a Psychiatrist and ADHD guru said, "Connection is like a daily vitamin you need to take...Never worry alone!" (You can also go back and listen to the two episodes where I interview Dr Hallowell himself (Episodes 68, 69 & 70) I love the value he puts on the power of connection and wanted to share...

Apr 14, 2023

One of the #1 struggles I hear about when talking to people with ADHD is FOCUS! This is a struggle that rings true for most all of us with ADHD because our Dopamine & Epinephrine levels (chemicals we all have in our brains) is a little lower and needs more power to function at full potential! The great news is that even...

Apr 14, 2023

It's easy to throw goals out like candy, but when we are making goals to grow our ADHD mind, there needs to be some investigation done. We need to figure out why we do what we do in order to change anything. In this episode, we will explore this idea. You will also hear from my daughter and her friend who both have ADHD...